lunes, 13 de agosto de 2018

opinion about the blog

I think that the use of the blog has helped me to work english in written form. Because, writing different subjects and personal tastes has helped me to translate ideas more fluently, reinforce grammar and also expand my vocabulary, which is always good.
In addition, I think it is a very important tool for the career that I am studying (journalism), since english is an idiom that is expanding more and more (so its allow me to reach more people) and its correct use is essential for a communicator and, even more, in its reading and writing since it is the area that interests me.
In summary, I think that the use of the blog is a very good way of working English, since to continue reinforcing grammar is of no use if at any time it is put into practice, as were all the English classes I had before the college.

miércoles, 8 de agosto de 2018

who rules the river

The article talks about an investigation by the journalist, and environmental activist, Gemma Contreras, who went to the vicinity of the Alto Maipo hydroelectric plant to show that the sediment that is throwing into the Yeso River it´s highly polluting and, therefore, dangerous  for child, for the fauna of the place and for the people.
It also talks about the injustice that means that the main source of fresh water that supplies Santiago is being delivered to a foreign company, which will occupy it in order to extract energy for others that exploit other natural sources. Added to this, Alto Maipo promoted desertification an area highly affected by this evil, which would lead to an early melting of glaciers and along with this, the exhaustion of water resources.
I found this article very interesting, as it reports on a contingent issue in the environmental field, which reflects terrible injustices, and also makes it possible to make visible the journalist who is behind all the investigation, which results in a kind of report /profile. It is also accompanied by images that illustrate what happened, which makes it more didactic to read.

miércoles, 1 de agosto de 2018

Movie than I like and movie than I hate

A movie that I like, is a chilean one, called Pejesapo. Pejesapo is directed for Jose Luis Sepúlveda, and talk about an ex convict that is trying to make a living. But, the most cool stuff is than it is mixed between documentary and fiction, because the actors and the actresses aren't porfessionals ones but they are acting about what they do in their real lives, or at least in an important part. On the other hand, I also like the dialogs and the reality that it shows.

Now, the movie that I hate is Sharknado. Athough I laugh wiht it, I cant  measure why this exist and why someone put that amount of money to make that crap. And the most shoking of all, is that Sharknado has been transformed into a franchise, since there is not one Sharknado but five Sharknado. I think that the world could be a better place without Sharknado.